Moon day 2
Symbol - cornucopia
Gemstones - jadeite, chalcedony, agate
The 2nd lunar day is a great starting point for the realization of plans. The day is auspicious for moving house or traveling. Today’s words and actions will lay the foundation for subsequent events. Self-control is an absolute must: a quarrel may grow into a lawsuit compromising your plans
Health and nutrition. Don’t indulge in gluttony, as all the excess and empty calories you eat will produce a negative effect on your health. Pay attention to your teeth and palate – day 2 makes your mouth cavity vulnerable. If you’ve been considering going on a diet, day 2 is the perfect time to start. In order to choose your diet wisely, try to think of every food on your everyday menu and listen to what your body tells you. Remove everything that evokes negative associations. Any ailment that starts on day 2 may require special care, but will not last long. Physical exercises will help to invigorate your body and prepare it for acceptance and conservation of the growing moon energy.
Love and relationship. Narrow your social circle down for some time in order to avoid quarrels. Sorting things out – especially with your superiors – is not a good idea. Fight greed with generosity (gifts, donations, etc.) Any sum you donate will return to you within a month, as well as any act of kindness.
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