The most interesting and up-to-date facts from all over the sky
Love Compatibility Horoscope
Sensual attraction can be of different types – check the type of chemistry that may appear between you and other signs!
Do You Have Family Karma?
In Sanskrit, karma is “action”; if we tried to explain the word we would say that karma is something that pushes our destiny forward, changes it, influences it in all possible ways. There is even such thing as family karma! What is it, do you have it, and how can it affect you? Read on to get answers!
The Power of Numerology: February and Number 2
It’s been a while since we talked to you about numbers, numerology, and the connection between these matters and our everyday life. So, it’s high time we started discussing these things as February is in full swing now! Ready to learn what makes the month so special, why it’s not only about love, and what it has to do with Tarot cards in general and the High Priestess in particular? Then just read on!
Why Is Today a Unique Day?
What makes January 21 the coolest day of the CENTURY? See the answer below!
Attract Love Through Runes
Here’s how to use Scandinavian runes to find love