

The most interesting and up-to-date facts from all over the sky
Keeping Secrets
So, you got a secret and a desperate need to confide in someone? You’d better hold your tongue until you read this horoscope! Not all signs are equally good at keeping confidence; moreover, they have different reasons for spilling the beans – from kind-heartedness to spite. Learn more about each sign – and yours!
Moon Astrology
Considering its proximity to Earth, the Moon has a greater influence on people than other celestial bodies. When it comes to the emotional sphere, the lunar effect is especially strong. The Moon enters a different sign every two and a quarter days endowing its representatives with resourcefulness and boosting their self-confidence.
Their True Thoughts
The most important thing is what YOU think about yourself but like many others, you are probably curious about what others think about you. Based on your sign, you can be seen as kind, warm, supportive – or cold, aggressive, and distant. Read on to find out how people ACTUALLY see you, according to astrology!
Your Sign’s Rom-Com
They’re soppy and full of questionable love lessons but we love them anyway. They can transport you from the dull reality into the world full of magic, laughter, love, tired cliches, and stupid pick up lines. They’re rom-coms and they deserve your attention this Valentine’s Day – check out the movie for your Zodiac sign!
What Kind of Mom Should You Be According to Your Zodiac Sign?
Spend some time to find out how your parenting style is impacted by your sign!
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