The Moon cycles can give you some eye-opening insights into the upcoming energy for your sign. In particular, the New Moon is a great time for manifesting. In this reading, we'll discuss the New Moon transits for the most asked about topics— love and money— and focus on when and how you can use those transitions to your own benefit!
New and Full Moon Horoscopes for Your Sign
By looking at your 2nd and 7th houses, you can discover how Astrology affects the areas of your life pertaining to money and love. As you read, you'll find out what to expect during these transits and other planets affecting you on that day. Additionally, you'll learn about the energies of the Full Moon in your sign as this is always a powerful day for self-care and release!
On April 30, 2022, Mars will sextile the New Moon in the house that rules your finances. Mars adds energy to anything it touches, making this a good day to go over your budget or even ask for a raise. The New Moon will also join forces with Uranus, which might bring a bit of a shake-up or unexpected event with your money. This could be a positive or difficult event, so keep your eyes and mind open for whatever arises.
You'll have a new moon in your house of relationships on September 25, 2022. There you'll experience a positive aspect with the planet of love Venus in particle Virgo. Venus is a bit critical in this sign which might be a good thing if you're trying to be more discerning about your partner. However, try to have an open mind and not be too critical about your love interest or partner.
Full Moon
The Full Moon in Aries happens on October 9, 2022. The Moon sits opposite Venus in Libra, helping you focus on relationships and balancing your wants and needs vs. the wants and needs of others. There's also a positive aspect to both Saturn in your home planet of Mars. Think about the structure you need in your life, how you can be more disciplined, and how you can let go of patterns and behaviors that are holding you back.
The Moon will make a positive aspect to both Mars and Jupiter on May 30, 2022. This is an auspicious day for money and money manifestation, so make sure you take some time to write out your goals!
The Moon makes a positive aspect to Pluto, which means some truths may arise about your finances. Because this is a positive aspect, the truths might be beneficial in the long run.
There will be a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 25, 2022, in your house of relationships. Any events or major energy shift on this day will affect you for the following six months. Venus in Scorpio allows you to get deep and vulnerable with your partner or any perspective relationships. Taurus usually prefers to keep things surface level, but there's value in seeing what's beneath the surface.
Full Moon
The Full Moon in Taurus occurs on November 8, 2022. With it, we'll experience a Lunar Eclipse with the sun, Venus, and Mercury continuing through Scorpio. This may be an emotional day, and the negative aspects to Saturn might make you feel trapped. But fear not. The feeling will pass. This is a great day for self-care.
The New Moon in Cancer passes through your house of money on June 28, 2022. There will be a focus on security and what helps you feel safe financially. When manifesting income, focus on that energy so that you can call in the amount of money that helps you feel comfortable and supported. This is also an excellent day to think about the things you value as a difficult aspect with the Moon to Saturn sets the stage for more serious reflections.
On November 23, 2022, the Moon, Sun, Venus, and Mercury will all transit Sagittarius in your 7th house. This New Moon creates the perfect conditions for a spontaneous date. Expect deep conversations as Mercury loves to get philosophical while in Sagittarius. Additionally, the Moon will make a positive aspect to lucky Jupiter. This is a wonderful day to put the energy out there for love.
Full Moon
On December 7, 2022, the full Moon in Gemini will help you focus on the expansion of spirituality for self-development. Take time to focus on the bigger picture for what you envision your life to be and eliminate distractions that prevent you from pinpointing your goals.
On July 28, 2022, the New Moon passes through your 2nd house of finances. If you have a business idea you want to pitch or launch, this is the day to do it. The Moon making a positive aspect to Jupiter and Neptune turns things regarding your money dreamy and expansive. Additionally, Leo in Mercury not too far away gives you the gift of gab, adding color, light, and excitement to the things you want to say.
Pluto, Venus, and Mercury all join the New Moon in your 7th house on December 23, 2022. This energy may seem a bit serious and heavy, but this is a good time for setting down a foundation for new or current relationships. Think about what you need to feel emotionally safe and secure and what you can do now to create a lasting and strong relationship in the future.
Full Moon
On January 27, 2022, the Full Moon in Cancer makes a positive aspect to Neptune, adding lovely creativity and dreaminess to the day. This easy energy lightens the aspect to Pluto, which is usually a bit more intense. Use this energy to seek the truth about what no longer serves so you can release with gratitude.
August 27, 2022, brings a New Moon and difficult aspect to Mars in the house of your finances. Things can feel a little irritating, as if they're not working out as you would like them to. Use this information to feel out the things about your finances that are bothering you. Once you've figured it out, you can work on manifesting solutions to these problems.
The Moon and Sun travel through your 7th house make an uneasy aspect to Uranus on January 31, 2022. This isn't the time to make rash decisions about your relationships. But it IS a good time to be fun, spontaneous, and lighthearted. Saturn, combined with the Moon's energy, can add seriousness to the day as well, so be mindful and try not to let it bring you down.
Full Moon
On February 16, 2022, the Full Moon in your sign asks you to balance what you desire for yourself and the greater community. The Moon, in a difficult aspect to Pluto, makes some truths come to light. And those might be a bit hard to take. Use the Full Moon energy to release these truths so that you can move on.
On September 25, 2022, the New Moon is sitting next to Mercury and Venus in Virgo. You'll have an extra charm and appeal to potential clients or co-workers on this day. Work on manifesting the partners and relationships that you'll need to succeed in business or income goals.
The Moon and Sun join forces with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 2, 2022. This is a great day for manifesting the love you desire or enhancing romance and dreaminess in a current relationship. A positive aspect to Uranus can bring some pleasant surprises. This is the perfect time for a spontaneous adventure or date with someone you're interested in.
Full Moon
On March 18, 2022, the Full Moon in Virgo makes a positive aspect to Pluto, which helps you realize inner truths. However, the Moon opposite Neptune might make you feel hazy. If you can ground and focus on this day, you'll be able to tap into your intuition and uncover the things that uncover the things that have subconsciously been holding you back from your aims and desires.
On October 25, 20222, the Sun and Moon sitting next to Mercury might bring some good news about your finances. Venus in Scorpio makes the perfect conditions for getting real with what you desire financially. This is another eclipse, so any manifestations have extra power and can affect you for the next six months.
The New Moon in your house of relationships on June 25, 2022, makes a difficult aspect to Jupiter and Saturn. You may feel a bit weighted down or discouraged in your pursuit of love. On the bright side, this will be a good time for you to work through what's making you frustrated in romance. You can use what you uncover to shift your focus on the things you want to manifest in love.
Full Moon
On April 16, 2022, the Full Moon in Libra makes a positive aspect to Mars, which helps you uncover what you need to let go of. Moon sitting next to the asteroid Chiron (known as the Wounded Healer) helps you begin the healing journey that carries through to June, when your focus will shift to love and relationships.
The New Moon on November 23, 2022, sits next to Venus, and Mercury all in Sagittarius in your 7th house. This brings expansive energy to the area of your finances. Mercury might deliver some innovative ideas around how you can make money, so make sure to keep your mind open!
April 30, 2022, brings the New Moon making a positive aspect to Mars in your 7th house. This can make you feel sexy, fiery, and passionate – great for a fun date night! Uranus might bring a surprise or prospective love seemingly from nowhere or an unexpected romantic adventure. Try to keep things light as mars and Uranus can lead to hotheadedness.
Full Moon
On the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 15, 2022, the Eclipse energy abounds. However, it's nothing you can't handle. This Full Moon may cause you to think about the actions that make you feel safe and secure as opposed to those that have you going to the emotional depths. Spending too much time in either area isn't helpful, so finding balance is critical.
On December 23, 2022, Pluto, Venus, and Mercury all transit your 2nd house along with the New Moon in Capricorn. The energy may feel a bit serious and heavy due to Capricorn's influence. But it's a great time to think about your attitude to money and how you've been honoring your values. Thinking a bit more seriously during this time can help you secure your financial foundations, offering you more freedom in the future.
On May 30, 2022, the New Moon makes positive aspects to both Mars and Jupiter in your house of relationships. This is an exceptionally lucky day for love manifestation. Additionally, Moon makes a positive aspect to Pluto, bringing up some truths that may arise about your romantic state. But because it's a positive aspect, the truths might be beneficial in the long run.
Full Moon
A positive aspect between the New Moon and Saturn on June 14, 2022, helps you realize the small tasks that make a big difference. Work on letting go of resistance to focusing on the details – something that can be difficult for expansive Sagittarius. A Hard aspect to Jupiter adds to restrictive feelings to the day, but there are blessings here when you sit still and listen to your intuition.
January 31, 2022, brings the Moon and Sun traveling through your 2nd house. Together, they make an uneasy aspect to Uranus, which means this isn't the time to make rash decisions about your finances. Something might come up that shakes you and makes you feel unstable, but it brings to light weaknesses within your job or budget that you can strengthen moving forward.
The New Moon on June 28, 2022, brings a focus on what you need to feel safe in a relationship. A difficult aspect to Jupiter and a positive aspect to Saturn make the energy feel slightly weighed down. However, this uncomfortable energy will help you learn a lot about what you value in yourself and others.
Full Moon
The first Full Moon of the year is in your sign on January 2, 2022. It comes with a positive aspect to Uranus bringing innovation and change. This Full Moon is the perfect opportunity to release everything that no longer serves you so that you can start the year with fresh and bountiful energy.
The Moon and Sun joining forces with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 2, 2022, in the house of your finances create a great day for dreaming big and manifesting the job and income of your dreams. Additionally, a positive aspect to Uranus can bring some opportunities from unexpected places. Keep your mind open for money-making ideas to come out of the blue.
The New Moon in your 7th house on July 28, 2022, makes a positive aspect to Jupiter and Neptune, allowing you to feel confident, lucky, and dreamy. Also, Leo in Mercury not too far away gives you the gift of gab, adding color, light, and excitement to your words allowing the conversation to flow easily and effortlessly between you and your love interest.
Full Moon
On August 11, 2022, the full Moon in Aquarius comes with a difficult aspect to Mars and Uranus. This might cause things to feel a little tense and argumentative. Find a way to be diplomatic and understanding with yourself and others so that you can move through the conflict and experience growth as a result.
On June 25, 2022, the New Moon in your house of money makes a difficult aspect to Jupiter and Saturn. Expanding in your career and improving your finances might feel like a daunting task. Luckily, these feelings can give you a roadmap to where you can help things improve. Moving forward, you'll be able to more effectively manifest abundance based on the path you take.
On August 27, 2022, both the Moon and sun make a difficult aspect to Mars in the house of your relationships. Things can feel a little irritating as things feel like they're not working out as you would like them to. Use this feeling as a guide to figure out the things in your love life that are bothering you. Going from there, you can work on manifesting solutions to these problems.
Full Moon
Sitting right next to Jupiter, the Full Moon on March 2, 2022, will be very lucky for Pisces. Jupiter expands everything it touches, making the day wonderful for intuition, dreams, and magic. Uranus may bring some innovative and exciting ideas that help develop and expand your spirituality.
Hopefully, you've been inspired to pay close attention to Moon as she makes her way through your chart. Working with her cycles combined with planetary energies can elevate your spiritual practice while helping you to manifest the life of your dreams.
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